Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~*~Happy Holidays~*~

Hello, all! Just popping in real quick before leaving on a trip to visit family for Christmas! I wanted to wish you all the merriest of holidays and the happiest of new years! Internet access will be limited for me, so I will see you all when I get back in about a week. I just wanted to share this cool version of the traditional Christmas tree, that I found on the internet, before I go. The artist is boredman on DeviantArt.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  1. Its a brilliant tree.....Happy Christmas to you and your family and a Joyous New Year. Annette x

  2. Love the art! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also! Have a great time with family and friends!

  3. What an awesome Christmas tree!!! Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Christmases and Happiest of New Years....remember...they say that whatever you are doing at midnight on New Years Eve will be what you do all year long....hope it's scrapping :P your hubby probably wishes for something else LOL!

  4. LOVE THE TREE !!!!!!!!! Enjoy your time with family - have an awesome christmas and A MERRY EVERYDAY 2011 !!!
    cheers, dana

  5. Very cool tree, love this design. I hope you have a great trip and a wonderful Christmas!

  6. I just luv that tree!! Happy New Year!!
